Manually Update PRO Hub FPGA Guide

Manually Update PRO Hub FPGA Guide

IMPORTANT: This guide should only be run if you have first attempted to use the PRO Connect PRO Hub FPGA Only update utility and were unsuccessful.

IMPORTANT: This guide should only be run if you have first updated your PRO Hub’s bootloader to v2.24.

STEP 1: Turn off your Hub’s power switch and disconnect all USB cables from your Hub.


STEP 2: Turn on your Hub’s power switch and wait 10 seconds.

STEP 3: After waiting 10 seconds, connect a USB Type B 2.0 cable from your computer to your Hub.

STEP 4: Navigate to the HB_PRO drive in your computer’s file system.

STEP 5: Download the “ofile.rbf” file to the HB_PRO drive. You should replace the existing “ofile.rbf”. You cannot rename this file, it must be “ofile.rbf”. You can download the file by clicking on it here:

STEP 6: You will also need to convert your CONFIG.TXT file and apply it to your Hub. Copy the CONFIG.TXT file from the HB_PRO drive to your Desktop on your computer.

STEP 7: Eject the HB_PRO drive from your computer.

STEP 8: Turn off your Hub’s power switch.

STEP 9: Disconnect the USB Cable from your Hub and wait 2 seconds.

STEP 10: After waiting 2 seconds, turn on your Hub’s power switch.

STEP 11: Wait for your Hub to show up in the PRO Connect Device list.

STEP 12: Navigate to the File Tab on the Hub’s Config page.

STEP 13: Import the CONFIG.TXT file from your computer’s Desktop and Apply that configuration.


If you have any issues during this upgrade process, please https://heartechnologies.com/support/techsupportform.html


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